For a current list of our FPGA IP Cores to implement Navigation, Tracking & Location Algorithms, please contact us.


Below is an example combining Blueprint Signal Processing FPGA IP Cores to implement a location algorithm:


Location Algorithm Example using FPGA IP Cores


Navigation, Tracking and Location Algorithms refer to a broad class of algorithms used to process large amounts of data containing Time, Space, or Position Information (TSPI). These algorithms are typically used to locate and/or track the position of many objects simultaneously such as Radar Target Tracking, Surface Based Tracking, Surveying and Navigation. Blueprint Signal Processing FPGA IP Cores perform high speed coordinate transformations through various reference frames such as Local Coordinates,WGS-84, ITRF and others.

Our Navigation, Tracking and Location Algorithms can perform Time-Difference-Of-Arrival (TDOA) or Angle-Difference-Of-Arrival (ADOA) as well as apply Geoid models and other geophysical data. Blueprint Signal Processing FPGA IP Cores can be used to deliver low latency, real-time information for precision tracking and apply this information to execute high speed algorithmic decision making.

To learn more about Blueprint Signal Processing FPGA IP Cores for Navigation, Tracking and Location Algorithms please contact us.